My name is Marina Montiel, I am a Bates Method teacher, a yoga instructor and an educational psychologist.
I help people to improve their vision naturally to they can live without glasses or contact lenses.
I work with my students in face-to-face workshops, private sessions and also in my online school. I am a co-founder of the Natural Vision Academy and we offer natural vision retreats and trainings around the world.
Visual education is a visual recovery system based on relaxation, movement and visual games. It is a natural alternative to glasses, contact lenses and eye surgeries. We practice different techniques with the aim of changing bad habits for healthier visual habits and integrate them into daily life.
The natural vision or Bates Method was created by Dr. William Bates, who realized that people with good vision and people with poor vision use their eyes in a different way. According to his research, mental stress can cause tension in your eyes, so you squint and squeeze the eye
muscles producing a deformation of your eyeball and
causing blur in your eyes.